tisdag 23 juli 2019

3D modeled MIB guns

The last few years I've been modeling Men in Black Sci-Fi guns, based on photos from the movie franchise.

These are for personal use only, for cosplay and prop kit building.

I've started making two so far, the famous "Cricket" which is central to the original MIB storyline and the huge Tribarrel. but also plan on making more complex guns from the later movies.

I make these as low priority side projects, when I get the time or can't work on other projects.

The "Noisy Cricket"

My Noisy Cricket based on the MIB photos

To start with you need reference material to make replica models. I scoured the web for MIB photos and also took some screencaps from the movies. The Cricket is in both MIB 1 and 2 but the original prop was lost between movies and so the second one had a slightly different version.

This version below is what I settled on (Mib 2 I think?)
noisy_cricket_screencap stretched to correct width and cropped

Since I wanted some functionality to it as well as the possibility to sand the parts smooth from print lines while retaining detailing I made it in parts. I also made it to accept a small flashlight and wired on LEDs to be activated by the trigger.

The rubber grip needs to have a mould printed for it, perhaps for pressing in sugeru rubber, the moving parts may need some adjsutments to the model as well to allow enough play to be able to move but not wiggle. I'm a bit worried about the trigger guard as it's been shown to be brittle on similar models I've printed previously as tests. Perhaps an inset or back made from metal would remedy this. More testing required before this is finished enough to share it on thingeverse and similar sites.

The Tribarrel

My partially done Tribarrel 3D model based on photos from a stunt prop being for sale many years ago on the web.

Nothing is quite like the MIB Tribarrel. It's huge and ha enough firepower to bring down small spaceships. The bottom front grip is something like a pump shotgun handle charging it for use and the shoulder stock looks like a construction strut for a train bridge.

I haven't yet added the top cupola with the little alien thing powering the gun, nor the shoulder stock end. There's also a pressure vessel thingee on the side I haven't made yet.

Anyway this model would be awesome but prohibitively time consuming and costly to even print and finish. Maybe someday...

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